
Visit to Montessori (Balvatika 2)

Our NASCENT BUDS OF BALVATIKA Visited Montessori lab and had a glimpse into an educational environment where children learnt through hands-on experiences. The teachers acted as facilitators, guiding the children’s explorations and providing support as needed. This approach ensured that each child's learning was personalized and meaningful, allowing them to progress at their own pace and according to their interests. Students were able to see firsthand how engaging, motivating, and joyful learning can be when children are given the freedom to explore and discover. Children were active participants in their learning journey, engaging with materials and constructing knowledge through direct experience. Children were active participants in their learning journey, engaging with materials and engaging with materials and constructing knowledge through direct experience

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide students with diverse experiential learning opportunities, a visit to the school infirmary was organized. This visit aimed to familiarize students with the medical facilities and personnel available at the school, highlight the importance of health and safety, and provide a practical understanding of basic first aid and healthcare practices.

Upon arriving at the school infirmary, students were welcomed by the school nurse, who provided a brief overview of the infirmary's purpose and functions. The clean, well-organized space was equipped with essential medical supplies, comfortable beds for resting, and posters detailing common health practices and first aid procedures. A significant part of the visit focused on health and hygiene education. The nurse emphasized the importance of:

- Regular hand washing to prevent infections.

- Proper nutrition and hydration for maintaining health.

- The importance of sleep and regular exercise.

- Recognizing symptoms of common illnesses and when to seek help.

The infirmary visit was a successful and enriching experiential learning activity. It not only demystified the role of the school infirmary but also empowered students with the knowledge and skills to take care of their health and assist others in need. This experience will undoubtedly contribute to their overall well-being and readiness to handle medical situations with confidence and composure.